The thesis is advised by Ph.D. Dra. María Isabel Viedma del Jesús, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Market Research at the University of Granada. Her academic formation embraces marketing and psychology, more specifically in the emotion and consumer behavior field.

The co-director Ph.D. Dr. Antonio Gabriel López Herrera, is Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Vice Dean of Academic Organization and Quality of the Faculty of Communication and Documentation at the University of Granada.

Together they have the necessary skills to conduct this research as: (a) extensive praxis and academic formation in studies on consumer emotion and customer behavior, (b) expertise in I+D+i projects, (c) publications in the data mining, social network analysis, intelligent systems development, linguistic information modeling on the web, bibliometrics and sentiment analysis, and (d) international connections.

Their collaboration has a great importance, since they provide connections to the different methods and approaches on consumer behavior at the international level.